Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Christ in Christmas

This Christmas when so many of the people in our country are dealing with job loss, foreclosures, going bakrupt, living paycheck to paycheck, wondering if they will have a job in a month, a week, or a day...I have felt a certain pull back to what the season is all really about. The Christ of Christmas.
St. Nick- the Bishop of Myrna, whomever you want to call him lived many years ago and he was a very nice and godly man who believed in helping others. He helped others in a very unselfish way- he gave without even letting them know it was him giving. This is what started the very secular tradition of Santa Clause and this is what we should pattern ourselves after.
Giving to people who isn't all about the want. It is about the need. This year so many people need! I have seen and heard that the normal retail sales are way down this year for the holiday and that is a good thing...because now people are giving gifts to people that say, "I made a donation to this organization in your name." - to really try to help those who need help! But it is even more than that- just being kind to the person you pass on the road or at the store or maybe the person you aren't passing- but feel stck behind....a kind smile- a short and silent never know the needs of another, but God surely does!
Getting back to the Christ part-Christ wants us to give in secret so that only our Father in heaven will know what we have done. In doing this, we are expecting nothing in return- no tax break, no thank you, no recognition. Not always an easy task, right?
But Christ, He required no special fact, he often asked people to be quiet about how He had helped them. He humbled Himself. Gave up perfection to be poor, homeless and a half-brother to all his siblings....He joined the everyday joe! He became one of US!
This Christmas that is what I am truly thankful for. I have been blessed wiht many things and many people, but this is the greatest gift! Christ!

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