Monday, May 10, 2010

The Run

Today I accomplished a short term goal. I ran 2 miles straight- no walking- and I did it in about 20 minutes!

This did not happen all at once, though. On the contrary, last summer I began walking, and during my walk, I would jog the length of one block at a time. Gradually, I was able to run a little further each time I went out for a "walk" and then the cold weather came. (I was just able to make it one mile with maybe only a little bit of walking when that happened.)

I definitely did not want a huge setback because of the weather- but my asthma would not allow me to run in the cold wind without some repercussion, and I really cannot stand staying stationary and running on a treadmill I began to exercise indoors - but cardiovascularly. Zumba Fitness came into play! (Now I am an instructor- glad I found it- or was introduced to it- because I love it!) This helped get me into better shape and when the weather broke occasionally, as I could, I would head outside and work on my run!

I have been able to go out once a week - sometimes twice a week- and work at it for the past month or so. I talked to my dad about running as he has a lot of experiece and he helped me learn about pacing myself. As I practice pacing myself, I find that running has become easier and easier to do. I enjoy the time I have to think as I run. I enjoy the smells, the scenery and the sound of some of my favorite music playing on my ipod as I go. The rhythm set by my feet has some sort of soothing affect over me...

Something I reflected on today though, was that it is a process. My long-term goal was to enter a 5K by the end of summer. (After today, I am so much closer to that goal than I had expected!) But just like anything else in life, I have had to, and will continue to have to, develop one smaller step at a  time. That is how I learned to walk, talk, sing, write, read, lift weights, play step at a time. Nothing worth doing happens over night or right away.

The relationships I have with people I love are the same way. These relationships were built one small step at a time. Growth happened as we journeyed together a little at a time. The time and the growth...the reaching one level and then the next, is what has made the relationships what they are today and it is what will continue to devleop them as the relationship continues.

It is the same with my relationship with God. In the beginning it wasn't much of a relationship at all- and over time as trust was built - faith grew. As I learned, I loved and knew that I was loved. One step at a time, one level at a time.... And my run is not done. I have not reached the mark in any of my relationships that tells me I am finished- the journey is over. No, I am still going out there and doing what I can to get to the next level! I cannot imagine the run ever ending~!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at you, Callico! You have a blog. And you're a runner. Way to go. Seriously, what a great accomplishment. You've gotten me curious as to what Zumba Fitness is now. I'm going to go look it up...

I look forward to reading more of your journey.