Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More Faith


Inhale. Exhale!

Just sat down with a very gifted budgeter. Is that a word?

Anyway, she used to do such things for IBM.

We sat down to decide how much money would need to be raised to make "That Place" a real place.

Guess what?? It is going to take a LOT of money!!!!!

She looked at me at one point and asked if I was OK- she didn't want to burst my bubble.

I looked at those numbers and I looked at her. YES! I am OK.
I know that if this is God's will, it will work! The funds will be made- donated- miraculously appear, even.

She said she has that faith- she also wants to be realistic. I want to be realistic- this is no small task! However, God is a BIG GOD and ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH HIM!

I am thankful to my friend for helping me think this all thru- sort it out and budget. I also want to thank her for the reality check. I also want to thank her for her faith. For me, this is requiring more faith than I have ever had to have before!

Now, I am in the process of calling people I know who are attourneys. Becoming Incorporated and eventually a 501c3 are the next steps.

Are you still on this journey with me??

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