Sunday, July 22, 2012

What is Going On?- Where is my Bubble?

I am struggling right now.
I write as a way to help me get everything out. To clear my head. Therapy, I guess.
So, today I need to write.
Last Friday morning, I woke up to text and fb messages from friends and family from miles away asking if my family and I were OK. If we happened to be at the Movie Theater in Aurora the night before. I was groggy, barely able to completely open my eyes and I was completely unaware of why anyone would be asking me any of those questions so early in the morning.
I found out as I turned on the news and logged onto my computer.
I was in quite possibly the worst mood of my life that day- Friday, July 20, 2012.
EVERYTHING made me mad. Things that normally wouldn't matter became a big deal and it seemed like I found it almost impossible to look at anything or anyone in a positive light.
Today is Sunday (three days later) and I find myself still struggling.
I have always heard things like, "Callico, you live in a bubble." "You are one of the most positive people I know." "You are one of the most non-judging people I have ever met." "You are naive and too trusting."

I want to buy a gun for the first time in my life. I AM SOOOO ANGRY THAT PEOPLE THINK THEY CAN JUST GO AROUND AND HURT AND KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE. I want to stop them. I want to protect those I love and those who are not prepared to protect themselves.
I am reminded of the shooting at Chardon High School about 5 months ago. I remember thinking then, "How can our kids go to school and learn and be kids when this kind of crap happens?" I remember praying. A lot. For my friends, for their kids who were at the school that day. For the people who were left behind when those kids lost their lives.
I remember even at that point, though, having some compassion in me.
I remember feeling bad for the kid who did it.
Right now, I don't have that compassion for the shooter.

I liked the bubble I have always lived in and I am HIGHLY UPSET that someone seems to have popped it or at least put a gigantic hole in it! I AM PISSED!! I am also a little worried. What has happened to me?

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