The day is Saturday, June 8, 2013. The time is 2am.
Wow! I can't believe I am getting in the shower! I had taken a bath around 10pm the night before but that was more for relaxation - this one was to scrub my head and body and feel truly clean since I was unsure that I would feel that way again for the next week!
All showered and meeting in the church parking lot at 2:45am. Bags all packed, lists checked. Our youth pastor Curtis is there to pray with us. I wish he was joining us on the trip. Lots of changes had happened and I barely know one of the leaders going, Ben (he is the youth pastor at our other campus- and a new staff member I just met the week before is going, Kayla. But, I have known some of these students over 2 years now and two of them are my two oldest daughters.... it's not like I don't know anyone..... I hate not knowing anyone....
Two mothers of two of the girls from my church campus come up to me, look me in the eye and say to me, "Please take care of my baby." Of course I will. I am the oldest adult on the trip and I am a mom- and honestly, I love these kids! No pressure.... just the way life works... mom's naturally take care of babies.... and so I tell them , "I will," as I give them a hug.
Emotions are overtaking me- So much of how I thought this trip would be had already changed as several people had dropped out that originally were going to be a part of it. I had a friend who was supporting us with prayer- he told me that he was praying nothing would go according to plan and I was quite sure that his prayers were being answered even before we left. This was beginning a lesson for me in trusting God- I am a planner- but this trip wasn't about me, it was about Him and His plans are perfect.
Wonder- I wonder what God has in store for us.
Excitement- I am excited to find out.
Fear- A little fear is healthy- not knowing what to expect and doing your best to prepare.... My daughters and I took a class on self defense before leaving. I had heard that sex-trafficking was high in Belize and I wanted us all to go in with confidence that we might handle a situation better if it were to arise.
Homesick- Although we were just now leaving, I already missed my two younger daughters and my husband. It would be difficult not talking with them for a whole week- they are a huge part of my life!
Anticipation- I was already thinking about the relationships that would grow and develop from this trip and that was super exciting because I love people!
We boarded our plane and left at 6am. I got patted down and they swiped something over the palms of my hands in Denver- that was interesting.....other than that it was uneventful. I couldn't really sleep, although I was tired. My mind was wandering and I was taking everything I could in.
We arrived in Belize at about 11..... or was it twelve....? I am not sure, but it was time to eat! :) The lunch they fed us was FABULOUS! Food is important to me- so this was an excellent sign!
We waited with the staff from Praying Pelican at a park by the beach not far from the airport for another group that would be joining us. (That wasn't part of the plan, either.) I am not sure what happened- but about a week before the trip, we were told that another group would be working with us. They were from Jackson, Mississippi and they were from St. Richard's Catholic Church- which to me meant very little, but I guess it was a bigger deal to others and I would understand that later....A group of young kids hung out with us at that beach and we shared music and some dancing. We were already mingling with the natives- our students were so welcoming and so ready- it was so good to see!
I felt bad that by the time that the other team had arrived, we were all so tired from our long day. We were not the most welcoming or talkative bunch- but I would apologize to them for that tomorrow, when I could see straight again. :) We drove in our charter bus for about two hours from Belize city to our location in the Mountains in San Ignacio. Dinner was served, we had a meeting and we were driven to our hotel- the Mallorca- while the Catholic group stayed at the Baptist church we would be working at for the week.
Looking forward to some sleep!
Sleep I had- soundly- until the choking got to me! My daughter, Tanise was in the bed next to me and woke me up with a startle as I heard her choking profusely. I jumped from bed and lead her to the door. Heimlich Maneuver performed- seemed to help some.... pounded her back.... she is coughing- but not choking.... I was petrified in the midst of this. I noticed one police station somewhere on our way in- but who do I call for emergencies? Where is a phone? I sent my oldest daughter to get our leader, Ben, but by the time he understood what was happening, it was ll over ...... thankfully. I fell back asleep with my arm extended out and my hand over her in the other bed. I wasn't feeling comfortable as I still had no idea why she was choking and I was nervous about it happening again. I said a prayer and then I checked on her many times through the night.
Lesson learned- be more aware of my surroundings.... phone locations.... emergency help. I could have called 911 and there was a phone in the hotel lobby. Now, I knew.
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