Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Love- Part One-

At church lately, we have been talking about Marriage and Family. Week one was addressing Marriage. Week two- the men. They actually asked the married men to stand up and then as they read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; they were told they should sit down when they heard a description of love they struggled with.

I was like- WOW! What pressure....how embarrassing....when would I sit down?? Well, that has spurred me on to really take a good look at myself. What an appropriate time to do this, too, with Valentine's Day and my 16th wedding anniversary right around the corner!

The first thing it says in the passage is LOVE IS PATIENT.

In general, I feel I am a pretty patient person. but, this week, I am asking God to show me where I need work in this department- as I know I cannot be perfect.

So, stay tuned... .PATIENCE....where is it lacking in my life? Stay tuned to find out. As I discover, I will share. After all-- admitting it is the first step to recovery, right??

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