Thursday, January 27, 2011

Family Pride

Today marks the day, 6 moths ago, that the girls and I had neighbors and friends at our house and in our driveway as both, we and they, had eyes filled with tears as we said our "so longs" and piled into our packed minivan with our 2 dogs and headed west for Colorado.

I look back today, even a little further to the previous November when Mark and I hit what was probably the real crossroads in our marriage. Things had been rocky, to say the least. We had not been involved at church and had our family going off as individuals in so many directions- with paths rarely crossing in any significant way. This time in our lives was the least close our family had ever been as a whole.

Then in February, Mark began interviews for a new position in his company. A position which would have come much sooner, had times not been so tough in our nation's economy. By March, we knew we would be moving. By April, Mark headed to Colorado without us to begin his new job.

For four long months, I stayed with our four girls in Colorado. Our oldest two did not want to move in the least. They were teenagers and leaving their friends was tearing them apart. I was afraid of being so far from family. In the back of my mind, I wondered what would happen if things started going south again in my marriage? I wouldn't be able to make a drive back "home" in a day. My youngest two were having the easiest time adjusting- as they were excited for adventure...but the closer the time for leaving came, the more emotional they were getting, too.

I was juggling a lot. Zumba classes, coaching travel basketball, getting my kids to and from friends and sports, running our house, homeschooling, dealing with the kids and my own waves of emotion...and doing all I usually did- but alone now. This gave me a new appreciation for Mark and all the ways he helps out. It also made me appreciate family even more, as I had none around and realized how much easier it was to ask them for help than it was to ask friends. So, I sucked it up and did the best I could. In the mean time, Mark was comparing being without us and basketball coaching as being a drug addict who had quit two of his favorite drugs cold turkey. He was missing both, something fierce and wasn't enjoying his quiet time at the hotel each night near as much as I thought I would! lol

Then, the big day finally arrived. We were in our van driving through the tears and the pain we had in our hearts. I had purchased a AAA plan in case I had flat tires or anything else come up that would be difficult to handle as a woman traveling across country with 4 kids, and 2 dogs with no real mechanical inclination! Good thing, too, because as I spread our journey out to allow time for some fun and relaxation over 3 days, we did get a flat tire and they fixed us up so we could be on our way! No worries!

We arrived in Colorado and it was as if we were on a honeymoon! Mark got us our own room for the night. He had found a house for us, but we could not close on it for several days and had not even seen it yet, so we all snuggled in at a hotel - this was an unexpected blessing! This family who had become so individualized, was put together in a small place where we had LOTS of together and closeness. It felt good to all snuggle up and talk and laugh together.

We went the day after we arrived, and we looked at our new home. LOVELY! Mark had picked a wonderful place for us to live. A very nice park just 2 houses down with a 6 mile trail for running, walking, biking....a nice family neighborhood within a good school district. the best part- we could see the mountains!!! The mountains cannot be justly described, in my opinion. But, I feel God when I look at them and such peace and tranquility. They truly are amazing! One of the most amazing things I have seen in my life- right up there with being at the base of Niagra Falls in a boat being churned around by the pounding water, and seeing my nephew be born!

A prayer was answered in this move, in that the very first Sunday we were here, while still staying in the hotel, we found a church home that we love and can serve in and have made wonderful friends in. We realized through the move to Illinois and not being in church, how important that was to us as individual and as a family. We are so blessed that it happened so easily for us here.

4 short days after moving in, our exchange student arrived. This was another change for our family. It seemed as if constant change was just becoming a way of life. This move was difficult in and of itself, with the older girls especially adjusting to a new school, new teams, new ways, new teachers, having to make new we added a new "family member" to the mix....and it was a mix. But, I have to say, I think this ended up bringing us all closer once again. Through all of these changes, too, my oldest daughters began to really express themselves and find their own inner-strength. I was feeling a sense of pride in them I had not experienced was like they were growing up right before my eyes and I was so proud of who they were developing into! My youngest two, being younger, just continued to welcome change. What troopers!

When our exchange left, that very week just days later, we welcomed another family into our home. This family, I have blogged about before. We did not know them- but we had friends in common from the church we were members of in Ohio. This family consited of a husband and wife, four girls just a couple years behind our own age range, two dogs and a cat. At this point in time, I just really started realizing that God had been using this whole move for our benefit. He was bringing our family closer though everything that was happening. Giving us a knew appreciation for each member! A stronger love. He was also, developing a generosity, a trust, and a love of others that I am not sure any of us had ever really had at such a level, previously.

At any rate...the past 6 months and more have been quite a journey for me and for my entire family. As I look back and reflect at all that has happened, all the changes we have endured and grown from over this time, it brings me a sense of family pride. A sense of awe about how good life can be when you just say, "Yes" to what is before you. When you just say, "Yes" to the people placed before you. When you just say, "Yes" to change, adventure, and the unknown. When you just say, "Yes" to the chance to be generous and put forth the effort to be a part of or a help in the lives of others. I have a sense of "Family Pride" like I have never experienced before. It is such a blessing to be a part of the NEU CREW! I love my family!!!

1 comment:

Alaina Maloney, LBL Customer Experience Manager said...

That's GREAT Callico - so glad the the Neu Crew is loving Colorado and adventure - The bravery you have all shown WILL make you stronger, better and closer - Happy for you all!!