Friday, September 30, 2011

Insecurity .... Don't Let It!

This week I have been thinking a lot about insecurity. The topic came up in a Beth Moore Bible study I am doing with some wonderful women that I am friends with.

According to the free online dictionary it means
1. Not sure or certain; doubtful:
2. Inadequately guarded or protected; unsafe:
3. Not firm or fixed; unsteady:
4. a. Lacking stability; troubled: b. Lacking self-confidence; plagued by anxiety:
The thing about insecurity is seems to affect everyone in some way at some point in life.
It would also seem that most of it begins in our formative years when we depend on someone and they somehow do not meet the need for which we were depending on them. But, it can happen throughout life.
Basically, since we are all human- which means none of us is perfect- we are bound to let someone else down- even when we try our best not to. But, depending on how severe the let down- or how often it happened- this could have a lot to do with just how insecure an individual becomes and/ or how long it takes them to become more secure.
The very troubling thing about insecurity is that it does nothing but destroy. I think I agree completely with Beth in that insecurity leads to JEALOUSY, ENVY, MANIPULATION, LOW SELF-ESTEEM, PROMISCUITY, UNBELIEF, and I have already added FEAR, LACK OF TRUST, and SKEPTICISM to that list.... all of these things cause breakdown in relationships we have with other people....and that break down in relationship leads to more seems it is somewhat of a vicious cycle...
Have you ever noticed a person who seems to be pretty secure about themselves? A lot of times those who are more insecure just cannot handle that person. They seem to have a hard time even wanting a relationship with a very secure person as it seems to scare them. Maybe because they have to face their insecurities instead of ignoring them- maybe in the light of security, they know it is bound to show just how insecure they themselves really are.
I lived a good portion of my life in insecurity. And, honestly, it can still be a struggle - insecurity has shown itself in my life in a fear of not living up to someone's expectations, or being abandoned- which has either made me choose to not even try at a relationship- or try too much! It has caused a lack of trust -formed on the basis of history with others- not with the one- which is unfair to the one....
I remember even coming in contact myself with those very secure people - which used to make me shy away and feel "not good enough"- now I LOVE to be around secure people as they inspire me!! And when you hang out with secure people, you discover that they are just like everyone else- except for the way they look at and handle mistakes and failures and fears. They are more optimistic and handle themselves and their lives as such....especially the valleys.....
Insecurity breeds breakdown. Breakdown of relationships and self-image....and often other-image. I think the best way to combat it is to look insecurity in the eye and NOT BACK DOWN.
Picture insecurity as a piece of splintery wood. As you sand it down-it takes strength and consistency  to go back and forth with and against the grain of it's wood without fearing splinters! It may start off prickly and a little difficult- you may get stuck a couple times (remember that splinters can be pulled out) , but ultimately, your life will just be so much more smooth- your relationships will be so much better- you will feel so much better- not having to live with it rubbing against- and sticking you all the time!
 Don't let insecurity destroy all the beauty around you- the beauty of relationship, of things available for you to try, to see, to do! Insecurity breeds- but you have the power to stop it!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Given the Chance, I Hope You DANCE!"

Dancing....that is something I have always absolutely loved! I grew up in rather poor conditions, so I never really was able to go take classes to learn to dance- but I ALWAYS immitated those I saw dancing!

I recently became a member of something called "CREW" at our church- - Rocky Mountain Christian Church. I had been a part of Rush Hour- as a character- actress, playing the roll of mother to a very roudy, but sweet boy- "Vinny"- as "Mrs. T.".

That has been an awesome experience- and challanged me in a number of ways. Memorization, speaking publically, not laughing my head off while on stage at the hilarious actions and words that go on all in the midst of getting a message about a virtue across to children and their parents..... to name a few. ;)

This season, though- I get to DANCE as well as play Mrs. T.! I auditioned in the spring for "crew" the group of people that dance during the Rush Hour production. I wasn't sure if this was wise or not as practices are Wednesdays and performances are Sunday mornings- which happen to be 2 of the 3 days I am off from teaching Zumba...BUT!

WOW!! Last night, being on that stage- or even in the room- and dancing my heart out- jumping around, singing, smiling- what an incredible feeling!!! Often times as  Christians, we "hold back" and don't just really LET GO and PRAISE God with our EVERYTHING- but last night, I was able to let go! My entire body just bounced around in joy praising God!

I cannot help but reflect on that child-like, excited, energetic and joyful feeling that I had in dancing last night, this morning! As I think about dancing- as happy as I know I always am to see people let go and move- I can only imagine the God who made our bodies and minds and how he must feel to see us-his children of any age- just let go in joyfulness with all that we are and praise Him!! It brings a tear to my eye. Tears of joy and thankfulness that I have found a place that expressing in this way is not only acceptable- but WANTED. :)

So, much of this life is spent staying in the lines- and what we think others will think prohibits us from doing what we love or feel moved to do. Prohibits us from just letting our hair down and having fun! I feel so blessed right now to be a part of something that encourages just that! Truly, truly blessed and so overwhelmed and humbled that I GET to do it!

Below are some scriptures just showing that God MUST enjoy our dancing bodies! He made them so they COULD dance, after all! So, if you are given the chance, I hope you DANCE!!!! :)

"You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."
Psalm 30:11 (NIV)

"A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance."
Ecclesiastes 3:4 (KJV)

"Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs"
Psalm 150:4 (KJV)

"Let them praise his name in the dance: let them
sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp."
Psalm 149:3 (KJV)

"And David danced before the LORD with all his might;
and David was girded with a linen ephod."
2 Samuel 6:14 (KJV)