Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Love is... KIND

Last week was a pretty easy week for me. I have been blessed with patience. I don't know if it is something I was born with or if it was developed thru jobs I have had in the past- working with mentally and physically challenged people in the MRDD field for years, working with children, working as a home health aid. However it happened, patience is not usually a big struggle for me. For that, I am thankful.

This week, however, is not the easiest of weeks! I am not gonna lie! KINDNESS. •Kindness is the act or the state of being kind and marked by charitable behaviour, marked by mild disposition, pleasantness, tenderness and concern for others. It is a recognized value in many cultures and religions (see ethics in religion). (Wikipedia)

It is easy for me to be kind most of the time. I like people, so that contributes to a lot of the easiness. BUT, I do have a tendency to tease a bit and antagonize. Sometimes, this form of fun is not always fun for everyone. Especially, if the one being teased gets their feelings hurt. This kind of poking fun is the norm in our home. We tease eachother - but we have had to learn that when it stops being funny to the other person- we stop the teasing because it is then, no longer fun or funny. This has worked for the most part. However, I cannot say that words already said before realizing they hurt another person can simply be taken back. This is when another part of love kicks in- forgiveness...and maybe even - the always trusts and always hopes kicks in...but that is another week(s).

So, KINDNESS. It is easy to be kind when things are easy. It is easy to be kind to kind people. When it gets hard for me, is when someone else is being unkind. I cannot stand to listen to or watch a person passing judgement on others as though they themselves were perfect. And, frankly, I find it hard to tolerate these people, let alone be kind to them! The other struggle I have with kindness is being kind to someone who has hurt someone I love. I also find it hard to be kind to a person who simply is not being kind to me. I have this red hair and Irish temper that kicks in at these times and sometimes, I can imagine myself simply kicking the crap out of someone! Now, THAT is not kind at all!

So, honestly, this can be a real struggle for me and I have had to learn to trust that someone greater than me is in control and that I need not worry about avenging myself, or a loved one. I have to trust that in the end- the truth will prevail and that whatever happens in the mean time, is the for the benefit of everyone involved. That good, not harm can come from every situation and I can rest in that.

So, when that part of me creeps in that wants to "teach someone a lesson" or "show them"....I breathe, say a  prayer- maybe even share with a trusted person how I am feeling, and then I let go and resist the temptation to react. When I struggle to be kind, I pray for myself...and I pray for the one I am finding it hard to be kind to! This is what helps me....and this is what I do.

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