Wednesday, June 16, 2010

These Are Silver- The Others Gold

My oldest daughter has been struggling with our upcoming move out west. My heart-strings are pulled by her in this as I have moved quite a bit in my life-time and had to make new friends, attend new schools, leave comforts behind and venture into new territory. Although in some aspects that is quite an adventure, it also means leaving a place you feel comfortable, friends and possibly family you love, and other things that have become such a big part of your life behind- so to speak.
We had the chance recently to relax in a hot tub together and as we sat there she started explaining how difficult it was to leave several of her closest friends. She mentioned that they could and would never be replaced. (Already this is bringing tears to my eyes as I type, since I truly can relate to this so well!) I told her she was EXACTLY CORRECT! These people she loves cannot EVER be replaced! Then, I went on to list some of my closest friends from my school years. I told her that even the ones that I have not had much contact with- the memories, the relationship was always with me - and reconnecting with them has made life much sweeter.
I reflected with her on friends of mine she has met. One from close to my hometown that I met after high school. But, I told her, if I would have stayed there, we never would have met the wonderful friends we made in Columbus! If we would have stayed in Columbus, we would have never met the wonderful friends we made in Oklahoma. If we would have stayed in Oklahoma, we would have never met the wonderful friends we have in Canton. If we never left Canton, we would have never met the wonderful friends we have made in Illinois. I reassured her that we will make more wonderful friends in Colorado.
I also shared with her- that none of the people I mentioned to her were replacing anyone! In fact, I cannot imagine my life without a single one of them now. Each of them brings something unique and special to my life and I cherrish them for that! I have been family has been blessed by these friendships through these moves. I know I can always go to any one of them for anything and they are there! I also believe they know the same is true of me for them!
It all reminds me of the song we sang in girlscouts- "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other, gold."


Leslie said...

This is so hard! I know the pain I feel over my daughters' pain is the hardest pain in the world to deal with. Especially when you know there's nothing you can do except love them through it. I'll be praying for you guys and all the new friends that are about to come into your lives. I pray this is a wonderful transition for your entire family.

Alaina Maloney, LBL Customer Experience Manager said...

I've never blogged but felt moved and compelled by this so here goes....I was a Navy Brat growing up and therefore moved 18 times before I was 18. I was always new, never dressed right, talked right, or quite fit in. This could have affected me in a positive or negative way but because I am forever an optimist (and quite possibly was born one) - I CHOSE to concentrate on the positive ways my experiences could add to my life.

They are what ultimately made me outgoing, a people person and well rounded. I hold no prejudices, I hold no grudges, I treat people equally, I welcome new friends into my life with open arms and I can talk to anyone - all positive traits that I treasure today:)

I am super envious now of those High School friends of mine (like you) that were adventurous enough to leave, move and see the world. There's so much to see and so many never get the chance - embrace it!!!
