Monday, August 30, 2010

Bloom Where You're Planted

Where you are planted....                                    

Well, right now we are planted in Colorado. All of us. Mark, me, Valentina, Shyanna, Tanise, Nikayta and Cadence.

We have had some emotional  happenings as of late because of this fact.

Valentina arrived from Brazil on August 7th. Almost 3 weeks ago. She is a doll. We love her to pieces! It was her choice to come to the USA as an exchange student.

Sometimes choosing to be planted someplace doesn't make adjusting to the new soil any easier. She was shedding a lot of tears the first week of her stay. She was talking to and skyping with her friends and family a lot, too. She was very homesick.

Enter Shyanna. She had done so well in Romeoville her first year in public school. She had made many friends- some very dear, in fact. She also exploded on their basketball team. I guess you could say she found her niche and was loving her life. So much so, that she said she did not even want to move back to our home state of Ohio!

Transplated, not by choice, she has also been homesick. Not for her family as much (since we are here with her), but for her friends, her basketball teams, her familiar and comfy environment, the things she was looking forward to there.

We had to make some tough decisions with our girls. We had to limit time Val spent with family and friends in Brazil on the computer and phone. We may have to limit possible trips back to Illinois for Shyanna. We sometimes have to limit contact with the past so we can concentrate on the here and now. So we can grow roots and begin to bloom where we are.

A seed that keeps trying to come up out of the ground where it is planted cannot grow roots and flourish. And so it is with us. We cannot deny the place we are planted to become our home and begin to establish friends, hobbies and a life. If we are to deny these things, we are to deny all the beautiful possibilities that are before us for growing and blooming and becoming who we are supposed to be there.

Though we miss people and we have memories and plans that have not yet been fulfilled in places we have been, we cannot dwell there....where we HAVE BEEN. For by not digging into the soil that is currently around and soaking up all that it offers, a seed will never grow and a blossom can never bloom.



Anonymous said...

Some seeds take longer to germinate than others and I have found that you can't force it. Just when you think you have a dud seed up it comes.

Just His said...

This is completely true- sometimes it takes longer for some to germinate than others. I was not really speaking to that as much as I was speaking to being intentional in our trying to adapt- rather than fighting it by clinging to another time and another place. :)