Monday, October 11, 2010

Incredibly Thankful!

Sometimes, I take life for granted!
Sometimes, I forget to really look at all the many wonderful things I have been blessed with.
Sometimes, I am given an opportunity to slow down and I have a chance to really reflect- and those are moments that cause me to stand in awe....

In the everyday living...homeschooling, taxi-driving, cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, cheering on my kids and husband, playing nurse, counselor, caring for our animals, helping others, working out and ...well, you get it...everyday living...I sometimes lose sight of how I am blessed!

This weekend, I was able to spend time with my 12 year old daughter. As we spent time together, she looked at me with a big smile on her face and said, "Mommy, you really have taught us a lot!" I said, "I have?" (We went on a little mini-retreat together to talk about life- changes that were coming her way and whatever she might have had questions about along the way...more teaching moments, I suppose...and some very cool memory making- with 4 kids within 5 years of eachother, it isn't often I get to have such a big chunk of time with just one!)

She went on to say, "Yes! You taught us to read, and tie shoes, and walk, and write, and roller skate and swim, and do math ...about God, how to treat people- you have taught us a LOT!"

In that moment, and with those words from my young daughter, I supppose I felt more blessed than I ever thought possible!! I am sooooooo thankful that I have been able to be with my daughters so much - to be able to spend so much time with them and to be so influential in their lives in day-to-day living!

What an honor and a privledge to be able to have children...and then to be able to be such a big part of their learning and their lives! I am incredibly THANKFUL!

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