Monday, October 18, 2010

A Mother's Prayer

Heavenly Father,
I pray for my daughter right now.
I pray beginning with her head, Lord, that You would help her to take her thoughts captive. That she would focus on good, noble, and beautiful things, Father.I pray her concerns would rest on doing what pleases You. I pray that she not be distracted or easily swayed.
I ask that her eyes be protected- not to see things that would put bad impressions in her mind- and that they would also be open to see things and people the way You do.
I pray that her ears hear Your truth and that she believe, but that she is able to block out untruth and harmful sounds. I pray for her mouth, that You would use it to bless others, to encourage and to uplift, to sing words that praise You and let others know who You are and how You have blessed her.
I pray, Father, that you guard her heart. Please help her to be loving, but to be wise with the emotion and love that she gives away. I pray that she would love You more than anyone or anything in this world and that she would seek You in all things with all of her mind and heart.
I pray, God, that she would trust You - know that You have her best interest at heart and plans for her life for good and not harm. I pray, Lord, that her heart would break over the things that break Your heart- that she would have compassion and mercy. I also pray that her heart would be filled with joy over the things that bring You joy.
Heavenly Father, I ask that her hands would be used to serve others and care for Your people and to care for those others might consider less than worthy. I pray that she would see the value and worth in every life- as You do.
I pray that she would be prayerful always...bringing all of her life and all of her dreams, goals and desires before You. I pray that she would also bring others to You in prayer on a regular basis and would realize that battles we fight are not battles of the flesh...but spiritual, and that she must rely on You.
I pray that she would keep nutritional and healthy things going into her body and take care of herself  physically.
I pray, God, that she would hunger for You. I pray that she would know that she is a priceless and precious creation - made from Your hand- and that her body is Your Temple and needs to be cared for accordingly.
I pray that where her feet would go would be on the path that You have cleared and gone before her. I pray she would follow You always and be able to rest in the shadow of Your love and protection. I pray against her being distracted and led down dangerous paths.
I pray for the people in her life- that she would be a leader to others and that she would also be able to accept wise counsel. I pray that she would be surrounded by those that love and cherrish her.
 I pray You would put people in her life that keep her accountable and help her along life's journey who also love You and that these relationships would be like iron sharpening iron.
I pray for her spouse - I pray that if it is in Your plan for her to marry, that You would help each of them remain pure and have less baggage to bring into their relationship.
 I pray that You would let them be like-minded in their beliefs in raising children, following You, dealing with finances, and serving others. I pray You would already be protecting him and helping Him to follow You and love You above all else. I pray You would guide that relationship and anything and everything it entails.
God, I also pray that You would start with me. Help me to be the mother You know she needs. Help me to be a good example to her of a woman, a wife, a friend, a sister, a mother, and Your daughter. Give me the right words to say when she needs to hear them. Help me to support her and encourage her and love her the way you know she needs. Help me to be a warrior on her behalf. To fight against the evils of this world that would try to knock her down and destroy her.
She has changed my life and I love her. I trust You with her and thank you for her life and the blessing she is to so many. I praise You, because she is fearfully and wonderfully made!
In Jesus' name I pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. And ditto for my children and grandchildren. Love you and your girls!