Friday, October 19, 2012


I was always the "yes" girl. Someone would ask me to help with this, do that, etc, etc. I felt like if I COULD I SHOULD. In fact my life verse was "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

HA! I got BURNT OUT! I mean, I was homeschooling, watching people's kids, working part time as a Childcare director, I was in choir, on Praise Team, leading a small group, working in children's ministry, teaching at co-op, coaching basketball.....I am sorry, I have to stop there, I am getting tired!! Phew!

I ended feeling used and abused and needed a LOT of time to regain my energy and stamina.
I stopped doing just about everything. I rested. I focused. I tried to understand how I got into that state and then tried to figure out how not to go back!

It wasn't until I found out my passion, that I realized how GOOD it was to say YES! It wasn't until I found my passion that I understood how easy it is to say NO!


You see, I now understand that we are all created with passions for a reason. Our passion is that thing(s) that gets our blood pumping and our motivation catches on fire and we actually just feel compelled and it feels good- not exhausting- and it is almost always on our mind and it is energizing!

If it isn't my passion- it must be someone else's. They will be energized by it and more focused. They will be able to take it to a much higher level than I will.

If it isn't my passion- I will get drained...It will feel like work and I will not be making it as good as it could be.

So, if it isn't my passion, I now can say "NO" with full confidence that it is a good thing. :)
How freeing!!

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