Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What The?

I am seeing so many posts from so many Christian friends I have this morning and even last night.... well, heck.... for weeks now.

Here is the thing, I get sick to my stomach sometimes reading the crap!

Judge-mental. Legalistic. Imposing.

No wonder people don't want to go to church. No wonder people don't like Christians.

As a Christian, you should know that God himself does not FORCE himself on people. He gives us FREEDOM. Love isn't really love if it is forced on someone. A choice isn't really a choice if it is forced on someone.

How about getting out of your church? Out of your home? Out of your little circle of friends? How 'bout going into the world and hanging out with people who don't think like you? Act like you? Believe like you?

Jesus and his disciples did that! They hung out with the people that the legalistic, judge-mental and imposing people said not to!

Here is the thing- man looks at the outward appearance of things- GOD LOOKS AT THE HEART.

Are you REALLY telling me you KNOW what is in the heart of another man or woman? What their motivation is? No, I don't think you can.

As a Christian our two greatest commandments are #1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul. #2. Love your neighbor as yourself.


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