Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve"

"We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve".... a line out of the movie THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER.
That line spoke to my very core.
That line is quite possibly the truest statement I have ever heard.

I have been pondering it for a couple days. It says what I have thought and felt and seen and known but now known how to put into words.

People chase relationships with people who are not good for them.... People stay in relationships where they are verbally or physically mistreated. People are sure that God doesn't exist- or if He did, they feel they are not good enough for Him. People close themselves off and refuse to be honestly who they are with others. Sometimes they put on a show and pretend to be a person they are not to impress or cover up who they really are.

People overeat. Overeat. Drink too much. Do drugs. People are lackadaisical about taking care of themselves- eating right, drinking enough water, exercising, getting enough rest and sleep. Some people don't even need another person anymore to beat them up as they call themselves the worst things, they cut themselves, they are convinced that they are unlovable and unworthy.....

In a very sad way it makes perfect sense.

We have all experienced this imperfect world. We have all been a part of it at one point or another.

Someone lies to you. Puts you down. Tells you you are not worth it. Tells you you are no good. Tells you they don't care or want you around. Tells you that you are crazy. They don't believe you anyway even when you pour your heart out to them. Or worse- they tell you they love you while they do these things.....

Someone is nice when you are standing in front of them  but then they talk behind your back in negative ways. They say you can trust them and count on them- you want to believe.....

Someone doesn't accept your humanity and they expect perfection from you- and you know you can't live up to it- and so you feel like you aren't good enough.....

Someone violates you sexually. You think that you are only good for one thing.... 

Someone violates you physically and you think you are less than others.....

Someone ignores your attempts to make a relationship with them. No matter what you do, it is just not enough. You always have to make the efforts and give of yourself and unless you do, they aren't interested. They don't initiate or try and soon you feel a sense of abandonment and rejection.....

These are some examples of the things we face in this imperfect world we live in. No one is perfect and we truly only open ourselves up to LOVE when we feel we deserve it.

Let me tell you- YOU DESERVE LOVE!!! You were created for GOOD. You were created for RELATIONSHIP! Don't deny yourself! Learn to love yourself and then you will know how to love others.....

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