Proverbs 6:16-19There are dsix things that the Lord hates,dseven that are an abomination to him:
17 ehaughty eyes,
~Think about it. If a person has "Haughty Eyes"- looks down on others, thinks they are better than others- no one really enjoys a relationship with them. They will feel judged and less worthy. They may not be honest and show their humanity in front of such a person as they can't really lower defenses and be "real" with a person they feel is already looking down on them!If you can't be real, there won't be much of a relationship.~
fa lying tongue,
~If you are around a person who is a liar, there is no trust and therefore you will again not be open with them in relationship. If someone can lie to you about something- they will most likely be able to lie to anyone about anything!~
and ghands that shed innocent blood,
~ I have not been around a person who shed innocent blood- but I can't begin to imagine WANTING to be around a person who was capable of it!~
18 ha heart that devises wicked plans,
~I have been around a person who devises wicked plans.... plans that can bring trouble or pain into another person's life aren't GOOD plans.... if they devise those kinds of things for one person, who is to say they won't do it to you? Again, relationship breaker. No trust.~
ifeet that make haste to run to evil,
~Feet that make haste to run to evil. This reminds me of a soap opera--- you know, the people who seem to thrive on drama?? Who needs to add to the drama already provided naturally just through living..... Relationship breaker- too much energy is lost.~
19 ja false witness who kbreathes out lies,
~A false witness who breathes out lies. Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!! Who wants to hang out around anyone who is going to talk about you behind your back? Or make us stories? Or tries to make you look bad???? NO ONE..... with any sense....~
and one who asows discord among brothers.
~One who sows discord among the brothers..... Wasn't Jesus' last prayer about us all being ONE. Not divided.... but UNIFIED.~
This is in the Bible. Reality- these are things the Lord must hate because they do exactly OPPOSITE of HIS WILL. Instead of drawing people together and to Him, they push people AWAY from each other and from Him.
My church had a wave about a year ago of people leaving for various reasons. I loved how my church leaders continued to love on the people who felt they needed to leave. It is not for a person to decide for another where they should go to worship God. That is between that person and God.
Our church leadership encouraged us to PRAY for and love on those who felt they needed to leave. And that is what we did.
If we are part of a church and we are doing these things pictured above, no wonder God hates it! He created us to be in relationship with Him and others... and all of these things will do nothing but break those relationships down.
People who see and hear Christians living this way, have no choice, really, but to assume they don't want to be a part of this thing called "Christianity" if that's how people act. So, in essence, we push people away from ourselves AND GOD.
Please do what you can to live at peace with everyone. Please do what it takes to be as loving as possible.....Please try not to stir up trouble- especially among fellow believers.... It must be important if it was Jesus' last request before dying - that we would be unified.......
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