Monday, October 13, 2008

Once Pre-judged

Okay- as I was saying...after I had been going to a particular church and became friends with a Pastor's wife there, she shared something with me that was probably a little difficult to share! She told me that when I was picking my children up and she was seeing their mix-matched clothes, she was thinking we were poor and that I must be a single mom.
The truth was that I was married and though we weren't rich, it was a conscious decision I made to let my children pick and choose the clothes they would wear. It really didn't bother me whether or not they matched. I just enjoyed the outfits they came up with as creative as I felt they were!
Now, I know this is another example of how our clothing makes a statement...and maybe there is something to be said about taking the time deciding what exactly we are trying to state!

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