Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This dirty laundry theme has come and gone with me over the past several years of having kids. I have one daughter in particular who has always been in the business of trying to hide her dirty laundry in the simplest and truest form. When she was a bit younger, I would find dirty clothes hidden in her drawers, or pushed inside her closet. Now that she is older- they lay on the other side of the bed- the side we don't see when we just walk or look in. But, there they are on the floor in quite a pile! I tell her that in order for them to be cleaned, she needs to put them in the laundry basket. If they stay hidden- they will remain dirty!

For whatever reason, whenever I have found her hidden dirty laundry, I get this picture - this message in my head- about how normal and similar all of this is when I compare it with myself and those around me. It may not be dirty laundry in it's most literal form, but we do try to hide the deep, dark, not so wonderful things in our lives a lot of the time.

At least I know I have - and I do.

This leads me into asking the big question...."WHY?".

Perhaps it is because we are afraid if someone found out they might have a not so desireable opinion of us- they may not want to be our friends anymore, they might leave us for good, or we might end up being held accountable and know that since we are comfortable in the place we are - doing what we are doing- we would much rather just stay there.

Whatever the case, whether we choose to put our dirty laundry into the clothes basket or not-- which is where it should go if we would like to have it cleaned up- we have to realize that the one opinion that REALLY matters most is that of God. He is the one who judges us, and ironically, He already knows about all of it- so why try to hide it?!

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