Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Road Called Christianity

The pastor of the church my family attends recently wrote a book. It is called- The Forgotten Way of Jesus. My husband and I are in our third week of reading this book and discussing it with a small group of people at the church office once a week.

I have felt such joy reading this book- as so far, it has clearly worded some feelings and some thoughts I have had on my own journey down this road called Christianity....

In one chapter of the book there are several paragraphs that talk about the way a "Christian" is portrayed. I feel that during my life I have both, acted the part myself, and seen the part played out by others in each instance. One example is the Christian that views salvation as the heart of Christianity- you know- say the prayer and accept Jesus as savior. Another is the very religious Christian. I am certain you know of this one, too. The one that goes to church at a set time each week, reads the Bible daily, follows procedures and prayers mindlessly at times - more out of habit. Then there is the Christian outlook that says there is a moral coad to live by and this is what it is and it defines an individual. And lastly, the Christian outlook that some might refer to as name it claim it. The thinking here is that God is all pwerful and if I am loving Him and following Him, He is going to make everything go my way.

Sadly, Jesus represents so much more than just any one of these things and some of these things are just way off base if you look at the Jesus that was written about in the Gospels. Is it any wonder that we, Christians are turning people off when we are telling them they have to follow a code to be in our club, that the prayer of salvation is the end all be all of our relationship with God, that they must religiously and mindlessly follow along with the traditions we have in place, or when we sell them on not having anymore troubles and trials when they follow Jesus-- only to realize that they will still have trials and tribulations?

This book has got me thinking more deeply than I have in a long time about my own journey. This book is helping me to get why so many times, I have felt apprehensive and chosen other paths when someone tried to sell me on one of these roads....

It has also helped me to see how sometimes I have bought in to these different avenues and how, in the end, I was left feeling an emptiness, a confusion, or disillusioned.

I am looking forward to the weeks ahead - this is a turning point in my life- I know that for sure...I am excited to see where the road leads me next!

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