Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Like a Child

I have been so busy...so busy. There has barely been time to sit down and breathe. Interesting, because that is exactly what the exchange student living with us says to me as she watches me running around taking my children to this place, helping with that activity, watching them participate in one thing and coaching another. She simply looks at me, smiles and says, "Breathe, Callico...." with her sweet Italian accent!

And, just over the past few days I have taken some time to just sit, to just be home, to just cuddle up on the couch with one of the amazing people in my house whom I love dearly.

The first one was my third daughter. It was the day after her 11th birthday party. She sat on my lap and we watched my favorite football team play and win a game! I thought to myself, how relaxing! How fulfilling- just sitting here and enjoying her and even without words!

Then, last night my oldest daughter- the teenager- she sat across from me on the other end of the couch. I had to ask her several times if she wanted to cuddle- you know, she felt too old....I told her she would never be too old to sit close to her mom and just hang out. Eventually she came over and put her head in my lap and within minutes she was asking me to rub her back and then we just sat still, watching a movie together.

Right now as I write this- my second daughter- the preteen- is laying her head on my lap and being close to her is a joy and is also relaxing. I wasn't even realizing how much I missed this kind of time with my kids!

Sometimes, I can get so caught up in the busyness of life- in the doing for- that I forget about the just being with. Merely spending time together....THAT is so important!

Now, my youngest child, she gets it! She is not old enough to feel like she has to be cool and not cuddle- she does not care where she is or what she is doing or who is around- she always gets the importance of just spending time together! We can be anywhere doing anything and she hops over and holds my hand or sits on my lap, or walks over and puts her arms around me and just hangs out.

This all reminds me of my own journey- God is like my perfect parent- always there- at every activity, every turn, every event, in the busyness and in the quiet....I just need to be aware of this and remember that no matter where I am, what I am doing, watching, playing... I can reach out to Him and spend time with Him. I also am reminded how nice it is to just put everything aside sometimes and just be with Him...I will never be too old, too cool, or too busy to spend time with Him. But, sometimes, it is important to take the time to just cuddle up and relax with Him.

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