Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Learning thru Yoga


I have been doing P90X for about 20 days. It is great work out program! The beauty of it is that it brings variety and challenge to the work out.  Day one- Back, Chest and Abs. Day two- Plyometrix. Day three- Shoulders, Arms and Abs. Day four- Yoga. Day five- Back, Legs and Abs. Day six- Kenpo. Day seven- Stetch/Rest.

This program is good for me as it calls for balance...a little bit of everything. Anyone who knows me at all, knows I can really dive into things- especially if I enjoy them! I enjoy exercise and if this program didn't challenge me to be "EXTREME" and push myself to shaking burn out on the weights end, I would probably double up and maybe even triple up! I cannot, though as my muscles are shaking and done by the end of my reps...

I struggle the most, I think with Yoga! I enjoy it, don't get me wrong. I love the challenge of holding a position, focussing on relaxing unused muscle groups, breathing steadily, and then having muscle groups I am using shake as I hold a position for as long as I can. I feel challenged and fatigued and stetched...and by the end of the hour and a half session, I am feeling like I am so at peace that I could fall asleep in corpse pose, or child's pose!

The BALANCE portion of it, however, is my biggest challenge. I actually laugh at myself sometimes as I stuggle to find balance in some of the poses and sometimes as I fall out of a pose, I laugh out loud. It got me thinking the other day as this was happening...."Isn't it ironic that THIS is the same area I struggle with most in my life? BALANCE..." I have to restrain myself and try to find balance in all areas....I could easily over eat! I love food! I could easily become so busy that I have no time to rest. I could easily allow exercising to take too much of my time. I could easliy spend hours on the computer researching. I could easily demand the house be spotless all the time. I could easily volunteer to help other people so much that I leave no time to take care of myself. Balance is what I need to work on in Yoga and in life.

I am thankful that for people who know me well enough to know they can ask me if I am keeping it all in check. I am thankful that I am gentley reminded how important it is to not become too extreme in any one direction that other important areas are neglected. Breathe---- balance....focus.


1 comment:

Callico said...

Maybe when I can get this last balance pose, I will have the correct balance in all of my life!? LOL