Friday, April 27, 2012


One Crazy Ride!

It started a year and a half ago.... I felt troubled that our youth was left walking around town, hanging out behind buildings and on street corners. I kept having this tug inside that announced I felt they should have a PLACE to be... a place to hang out..... a place to know their community cared about them and wanted them to feel a part of itself.

This feeling, this tug, would not leave. In fact, quite the opposite- it got bigger and happened more often. One day, it became overwhelmingly clear that I was to do something about it. Not someone else. Me.


No idea. No experience. No resources......

Then, slowly, people with experience and knowledge and resources began creeping into my mind. I began sharing my dream.... or vision. People loved the idea. People agreed that it was needed. People wanted to help.

Step by step- this journey has had me stepping outside my comfort zone- WAY outside my comfort zone! Getting on the phone and scheduling meetings. Meetings with Mayors, Police Chiefs, Rotary Members, School Board Officials, Town Board Members, Business Owners.... Standing up and speaking with a slide presentation to groups  (I feel much more comfortable when I can sit down to do that, I have found!) Seriously, this comes from the girl who would normally have to be thrown into those situations and then be completely nausiated just thinking about them actually happening!

All the time, I have had faith that THIS WILL WORK. THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I don't know how....but I know it will. And every meeting, at every turn, I had some incredible sense of peace.

I am a Christian. But, what I am starting is not a religious organization. It is an organization that wants to meet teenagers where ever they are and help them transition into adulthood however we can.

Because, I am a Christian, and I believe God is totally into children... I believe He has made a way. I believe He has paved a path. TODAY, I received the biggest confirmation on that so far along this journey.

Today, I found out that as of April 12, 2012, the IRS approved the packet I mailed to them!

See that?? That was the day I took the packet to the Frederick Post Office and mailed it to the IRS! So, exactly one month from the date of my sending it- THEY APPROVED IT!!! Coinsidence? I think not! I think for something like this to happen, there had to be some divine intervention! Even the lady, Mrs. Black, from the IRS who told me when it was approved said, "That is so unsual- turn around in a month never happens!"

That is my God. He can do anything!! I am not an attourney, I have never filled out that much paperwork in my life! I have never written a business plan before. Everything that has happened has happened quite honestly by praying, talking to people, following advice given to me by people who have much more wisdom than me when it comes to all of this. All I have been is willing to do whatever needs done along the way... and not hesitating. Not procrastiinating. Not doubting.


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