Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Time Keeps on Slippin, Slippin, Slippin

I remember as a young mom, all the countless people who would see me with 4 little ones 5 and under and say, "Wow! You've got your hands full!" (I would shake my head yes and then think to myself- "But, I WANTED them close; I want them to BE close." Then they would usually say,"Enjoy this time! It goes by so fast!"

And I would think to myself, "I wish it WOULD go by fast!"

I was never a huge baby person. I mean, don't get me wrong- I wanted all four of mine- and have always really wanted SIX- but all that is because I knew they would only really be babies technically for about a year and then they would be on their way to Toddlerhood! :)

As I sit here, I now have a 16.5, almost 15, 13.5 and 11.5 year old!! I say to myself every day, "TIME WENT BY SOOOO FAST!" And I find myself humming Steve Miller Band's song, "Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin into the future...."

I think to myself, I have 2 more school years with my oldest and then she is off to college- according to her- out of state. I have 3 more with my second, and then she will be off also....and I sometimes wonder if I HAVE made the most of all the time I have been given with them.I sometimes try to queeze in more cuddle times and one-on-one time because I know that soon, I won't have that opportunity nearly as much as I do right now...and right now there's slim pickings!!!

I mean, 3 teenagers- ACTIVE teenagers! And one tween- ACTIVE tween! We are beyond busy so much of the time.

Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed - I have the HUGE Mom Calendar on my wall in the kitchen that anyone who comes over looks at and usually feels overwhelmed just in looking....but my goals have always been to teach my girls all I could about God and his love for them and for all people. To teach them to trust and follow him. To love and have compassion for eachother and for others. To follow their dreams and to be all they were meant to be.

I have poured myself out over the years into doing those things and at times, it has been exhausting. At times, it has been frustrating. At times, hard. But ALWAYS it has been THE MOST REWARDING and MEANINGFUL thing I have EVER been involved in.

I am blessed beyond measure!!! My plan from here out is to ENJOY THE TIME because I realize more and more every day HOW FAST it goes by!

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