Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kicking and Screaming...Silly Me!

Lately, I cannot help but think about how torn up I was about this move to Colorado just a few short months ago. Some people may remember...I was tallying up how many miles this place was going to be from all of my loved ones, I was upset about just starting to "find myself" again and my love of exercise and feeling like I would have to give up and start over. I was feeling bad for my children and the fact that they were so sad to leave friends and family so far behind...I was sad about leaving my travel basketball team. I was just a big blob of emotions- dealing with being the only parent around for 4 girls for 4 months, and feeling all of my emotions, their emotions...it was all so difficult for me at the time.

The funny thing is, that I look at that now and I see my girls still keeping in touch with their friends, but making many new friends. I see them - and all of us- and how we have grown closer as a family again. We have found a fantastic church - and all of us have found friends there that are so caring and wonderful. Each person is also getting involved in life here and enjoying it!

I see Tanise diving into school- both, socially and scholastically, and trying new things and succeeding! Shyanna is in two different youth groups- one at church, and one through Young Life. She is enjoying basketball again at school and making some good friendships! I see Nikayta and Cadence both enjoying basketball and are excelling in gymnastics- making friends and enjoying being the last two still home with me doing school.

Mark is enjoying his job emmensely and is doing a fantastic job at it! (No one ever had doubts about that!) He is enjoying our church and family time...and starting to coach rec-league basketball where it is fun to hear him plan and enjoy developing skills of kids who may have never played before!

Then there is me....silly me....I feel like such a GOOF!! It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how well my whole family is doing and then I am so humbled by how well things are going for me, too. Me, the one who was feeling like I was "giving up" so much and on the inside - kicking and screaming the whole way. I LOVE the friends I am making. People I can tell, who are going to be like family to us here. I LOVE our church and how it emphasizes family and has such focus on partnering with parents to help their kids stay on the right path! I have found a place to get my hands dirty and help people in our community who are going through trying times through this church and also have been blessed with the opportunity to get up and act out life lessons for our family worship service- (how I LOVE the arts!) :)

And, as if all of that were not enough, I have already been asked to teach three Zumba classes a week starting in January! Two at a recreation center, and one for kids at a dance studio! As if that weren't enough, I actually just got a call from a Curves that wants me to teach Zumba in the Circuit there!! (They called me! - Unbelieveable!)

I am not coaching basketball right now...and I love coaching...but I am still going to have the opportunity to interact and maybe help occasionally...I miss my loved ones....but I FEEL SO BLESSED! I AM so blessed!

Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought such tremendous blessing awaited us here!! I am in awe...I am humbled, very, very thankful -and I am amazed!!

Lastly, did I mention the mountains and how you can see them from EVERYWHERE?? They are a blessing in and of themselves! I guess - as it is the case in many things and at many times- you never really know how things will be until you get there! If you never take the risk, you may never have the adventure or find the blessing!

Silly Me!!

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