Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What if...

[What if God wants us to be honest and true more than He wants us to obey "the rules?"]

This is a question posted by one of my Facebook friends this morning.

Without even thinking, I found myself blurting out, "HE DOES!"

I love it when I get a confirmation about something I have recently heard or seen. For me, I usually know it is something I need to pay attention to because it is something that is brought to my attention more than once...more than twice... ;) (so maybe what I am saying is that sometimes it takes me a little time to catch on!)

I think about the stories I have read in the Bible. In each one I can think of, Jesus was into hanging out with and loving on, the people who were "themselves" - honest- what they were doing may have been "ugly", "sinful", they may have been "diseased", or an average or below average joe...but the ones his heart seemed to be drawn to were the ones who were who they were... (like Popeye- you know, "I am what I am")

Now, on the other hand, you had the religious leaders - the "churchy people", if you will. They appeared holy- sometimes "Holier than Thou" and Jesus really seemed to have little tolerance for them. Why?
I think it is because God is much more concerned with what is in our hearts, than what we look like on the outside. If all we are really concerned about is looking good- seeming to follow all the rules (which by the way NONE of us is completely capable of doing), and having our acts together all the time....then we aren't being who we are. Who we are is flawed...imperfect...unholy...

And, if we are acting like we are perfect, we are in effect making those around us feel like we are unapproachable in many ways...Most people won't really be themselves and open up around a person they only see "being good" or "perfect" all the time. They are afraid of being judged against that kind of person because of their imperfections. Jesus was (is) approachable. He wants us all to come AS WE ARE ....not as they wish they were....with imperfections, unholiness, and flaws...

The video below is another way this question was brought to my attention a couple of days ago...

And check out my cousin's blog- kind of on the same subject about a week or so ago...


1 comment:

Just His said...

Check out my cousin's blog kind of on the same subject!
