Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love Always TRUSTS

Trust- Trust- Trust-
This one is not easy for me....
Have you gotten the feeling that none of this LOVE stuff is all that easy for me?

TRUST- 1.Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing. 2. Custody; care. 3.Something committed into the care of another

I believe it is easy to understand why this part of love is hard for me.

For me to put firm reliance on the integrity, ability or character of a person or thing means that I would be putting my faith in their integrity, ability or character. I mean, I have been around the block a few times, and it didn't take me long to learn that other people, when given that reliance, or given my heart, or given my vulnerability in that I really open up to them- I can end up being let down. Hurt. Disappointed. I can walk away feeling like they really didn't care as much as I thought. Or that I should just take care of myself, because I am sure that I will try really hard not to let myself get hurt or let down....

The truth of the matter though, as I say all of that out loud, is that most of the people in my life who have let me down are human beings...on a path...fighting the good fight..TRYING. I am a human being...the same goes for me and even though I want to protect myself, sometimes I hurt myself through poor choices. Sometimes I let myself down and I disappoint myself.

If I really chose not to trust those around me, I would be choosing to live in complete seclusion. That pain would be deeper than any other, if you ask me. I have to trust- but the level of trust I give another person is always going to depend on how TRUSTWORTHY they have been. I have to make the smart decisions not to just spill my soul to a complete stranger and then expect that I am in good hands! Trust develops over time. Trust is valuable and should not be taken lightly.

In a loving relationship with another person, it is a must. How can you really open up to another- really become exposed and share your needs, desires, deepest secrets, biggest fears and best accomplishments with a person you cannot trust? And if a person has been shown that they cannot trust you, can you expect all of that from them?

NO! What we hand over to another that can put us in a place of being open for wounds by them is a precious thing. It cannot happen without LOVE. I know some people, I simply cannot trust. I care about them, but I cannot open myself up as much to them, as they have proven again and again that they will hurt me. There are others, though, that I have opened up to so much and they have proven again and again that the last thing on earth they WANT to do is to hurt me- even if occasionally it happens- it is never intentional and it is a freak thing if it happens- not an everyday occurance.

The ONE person, if you will, though, that has never let me down. Never hurt me...never disappointed me in any way- is GOD.

God IS love and He can always be trusted!

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