Monday, November 7, 2011

Mercy Interrupts with PRAYER....

I am one of those people who likes to understand people. I thought about going into counseling, social work and therapy for a while because of this...It also drives me to take "tests"- you know, personality tests, strength tests, spiritual gift tests...

Well, Mercy is my number one Spiritual Gift.

1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.
2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving: a heart full of mercy.
3. Something for which to be thankful; a blessing: It was a mercy that no one was hurt.
4. Alleviation of distress; relief: Taking in the refugees was an act of mercy
I am full of compassion. I love people. I want to help people. I am used to people feeling comfortable with me and having pretty deep relationships as I am also a "relator" on the strengths test and so developing relationships is part of who I am and how I work.
In the not so far away, I have had a couple friendships that were fairly new and those friendships were quickly spreading thru my heart and into my life.
Suddenly, the relationship came to an abrubt stand still. I was left with next to no information. But, that friend that was feeling like a new kindred spirit- was suddenly "ripped" away.
I began internalizing. I began thinking the person(s) I was caring so much about, just didn't like me anymore. I was feeling like I must have done something wrong. I wondered why this happened?? I. I. I. I. I. I. I......
It soon became apparent in both instances, that somehow, I made the situations all about me. Why?? In reality, the individuals I was dealing with were having some very major challenges in their lives that really had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! But, I was determined that they were all about me.
I guess, it is selfishness. A self-centered issue. I feel like a toddler as I write this- you know....thinking that the world revolves around me...?
In the midst of all of this, I felt nudged to pray for the person. This was a HUGE help. Praying shifted me away from me. Praying made me really feel for them and whatever their situation was- whether I knew what it was or not- and I didn't! But, it didn't matter so much anymore that I mattered that THEY felt. THEY had needs. That THEY were important. That THEY were loved and would come out of whatever was going on for the better.
Life feels so much better when it's not all about me. Life is so much nicer when instead of thinking the worst and worrying, I am hoping and wanting the best and trusting that God is good and he will take care of everything if I just have faith and try to love others and think of them before myself!

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