Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My word for 2012 "BETTER"

Someone asked me last night what my New Year's Resolution was going to be.

I do not really like the whole idea of a New Year's, I do not have one.
I DO, however, like the idea a a word for the year. Another friend of mine does that- and as I follow her blog and tweets I see that it works, somehow "better" than a resolution. Maybe it is because a single word can carry meaning into so many facets of life and is general and focussed at the same time in some strange but very meaningful way....
That is my word- "BETTER".
Off the top of my head I can think of this word and its meaning transposing itself into various areas of my life in the coming year- and in the long and short of it- helping me to focus on what is most important- at least at this juncture as we all know priorities change over time and circumstance.
A lot of life as I have known it will be changing this year- and I will share that as the journey continues...but as I prepare for these changes and visualize the future, I know without a doubt that there are many areas of my life in which I must start learning the difference between good and better.
 I feel I have somewhat of a grasp on the difference between bad and good. I do not always choose good over bad- sometimes as a creature of habit, sometimes out of a certain sense of rebellion...but I must say, usually, I at least know the difference. If, though, this year, I am chosing BETTER- even over GOOD- that should help dismantle  the bad options in life a little better, too, right? (maybe that pun was intended... (;)


Anyway- think of the sayings you have heard;
"It is better to give than to receive."- I may need to be on the giving end more than I had before.
"Two are better than one."- maybe my alone time isn't as valuable as I had thought. Maybe more teamwork is necessary
"Better is the enemy of best" - and yet- without always even chosing better over good, is it possible to jump over everything to best?
"My life is better because you are in it."- am I making the lives of those around me better? Who am I around that makes my life better?
"Well done is better than well said"- are my actions speaking loudly and clearly to others- or are my actions muddled down as I just fill the air with the noise of my words?
"Adjustment with the right people is always better than argument with the wrong people." I need not waste my time, effort and energy arguing with others. Instead, I need to focus on working with the people in my life that I have meaningful relationship with sometimes that means adjusting to make things BETTER.
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." Am I being loving? I need not be too guarded...
"Make better choices-" better food choices, better drink choices, better time choices,
"It is better to have a few good friends than many aquaintances."- makes me think of things like Facebook and all the thousands of people who have sometimes such deep insight into our personal lives...

So, you see the possibilities of BETTER seem almost endless.... I am just scratching the surface here....but thru the upcoming year, I plan on getting BETTER at chosing what is BETTER...and becoming a BETTER person in doing so.

Cheers! :)

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