Monday, May 2, 2011

Coming Out of the Closet part 2

Well, I went thru the stuff in my closet. I have about a total of 6-7 garbage bags of stuff that I will not be putting back in there!

It was hard getting rid of some of it. You know-- it was weighing down the closet bar and causing it to break-but it was my stuff- I was comfortable with it and it was there- just in case- and I had memories that were made while wearing some of those clothes...  or memories of who gave me the clothes.... But, I kept telling myself. You don't NEED all this stuff in your life! This stuff is just giving you a head-ache by the broken mess it is creating. GET RID OF IT! And so I did.

Now, I have everything piled on my shelf that belongs there- it is neatly folded and orderly- and this makes me happy. However, I have been waiting - the closet bar now needs replaced and some wood needs rehung and we are going to secure a third bracket in the middle of the long bar to ensure this mess doesn't happen again. So, I still have quite a pile of hang-up clothes on the loveseat. I am trying to be patient. I realize that sometimes it takes time for everything to be right again, once we have been in the middle of a mess....and so it is the case with this. But, I can now see that I have done what needed to be done to clean up the mess- to make arrangements for this mess not to happen again. I wait as patiently as I can to hang everything back up and get on with life as I know it- not in a broken mess! :)

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