Friday, March 25, 2011

In the Absence of Facebook

For Lent this year I gave up something I enjoy a lot- Facebook. I gave it up after our church had been talking about "Interior Design" and how sometimes we need to declutter- and honestly...Facebook came to my mind every time I heard about this.

Now, I have a lot of friends on Facebook. Friends from around the world and all over our country- and although my brother gives me a hard time- I haven't gone out randomly finding friends on Facebook.  A lot of high school peeps, some great friends I have made through different jobs I have held, and younger people my kids are friends with as well as people from churches we have been/ are a part of, neighbors we have lived by, and LOTS of family members! My dad comes from a family of 6 kids and they all have kids...I have 3 sisters and 3 get the point. A lot of connectivity is found in facebook for me.

I have something like 24 days left of not using FB socially. Before I left, several people told me they would miss my positive posts, etc....they didn't want me to go. But, I felt like the only thing that seems to clutter my life in some way really, that wasn't a necessity, was FB. I felt like having less email to read, less times of my cell phone going off and less time of me looking around to see what everyone was up to would help me make time for reading my Bible, spending more time doing things around here that I need/want to do, and spending more time with people in my home and in our new town.

So far, I have been reading through the 4 Gospels in a Lent Reading from "Bible Gateway" on line. They just send me a link through email each morning for the day's reading. Good stuff. Thought provoking. I love the Bible. No matter how many times I have read through passages, I always find myself getting a fresh, timely word, a better perspective...

I have a lot less cell phone time now. I might miss that the most. I loved "stalking" people! By that, I mean...some people in my life were on a list and I would get a cell phone notification (sms) whenever they posted something. It made me feel like I was closer to loved ones who are far away. However, it is nice that I do not have the interruptions I used to have when I am involved in something or with someone here. And, I am learning to go back to that old way of just calling or texting someone when they come to mind. "Just checking in!" ;) I also have enjoyed hearing from some people via texting, a phone call, an email when they have thought about me. Feels a little old school after being on FB for a few years- but I LIKE IT! :) It is always nice to know someone is thinking about you! (Did I mention I even got a package of presents from a friend by SNAIL MAIL?! THAT was amazing!! I cannot remember the last time I received something by mail like that! I was like a little kid on Christmas morning!! :))

One more thing I miss is feeling like I can reach out and give people a positive message. I know I still have this, my Nike Running, You Tube, and my FB Zumba page connecting....but I feel like positive posts on people's walls, or my own are something that I REALLY love about FB. I DO miss that part, terribly...I enjoy so much being an encouragement to others. Even posting silly pictures of my food- which I always thought brought a smile to at least one person's face for the silliness of it, if nothing else...

I am feeling more focussed and relaxed. I am considering when I go back to keeping things more limited...not sure how limited...maybe no FB on weekends? Whatever the case, I am glad that I have given FB up as a social media so far, but I am finding that I am missing those who are far away from me more than I was when I was using FB. I am glad that almost half the time has passed and I am trying to imagine "catching up" when I go back on after Palm Sunday! THAT will be a glorious Monday!

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